Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX Mapping for Traktor Pro 3
Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX Mapping for Traktor Pro 3
This mapping supports Mixer Effects, 2-Tracks and 2-Remix Decks. In order to use Mixtrack Platinum FX with Traktor, you will need to open Serato or VDJ first - this will disable the “Demo Mode LED feedback” which activates automatically when the controller is connected to a computer. After that you can close Serato/VDJ and then use it normally with Traktor as a standard MIDI controller! The mapping also works great with Traktor Pro 4!
The Paddle Toggle effects section consists of seven different Single Mode effect presets as TAP button is also mapped to insert an effect. By default, these effects are assigned to Units 3 and 4 are linked to Deck A and Deck B unless the SAMPLE pad mode is activated - in that case, all of the effects will be linked to Deck C or Deck D so you can apply those effects on the loops and one-shots to make them sound more interesting.
In addition to the Paddle Toggle effects, it is also possible to assign Units 1 and 2 in a Group Mode to the Jog Wheel. Press one of four the pads in the bottom to activate one of four Jog FX presets available in this mapping. Once the preset is activated, touch + turn of the Jog Wheel will insert, activate and modulate the effects in the chain. Presets 1 and 4 can be combined with the BROWSER encoder knob for an additional FX control.
All effects are Deck specific: Deck A and Deck C are linked to FX Unit 1 and FX Unit 3 and your Deck B and Deck D are linked to FX Unit 2 and FX Unit 4.
The screen is not fully suported because of Traktor’s limitation but you will get indicators for the position of the track, be able to see your current Jog FX value, the indicator for selected page for Hotcues and Samples and more. All supported screen features are illustrated in the infographics.
Partial Jog Screen Support, Full Button and VU-Meter LED Feedback, 2-Mixer Channels, Crossfader, 2-Track Decks, 2-Remix Decks, 4-FX Units, 7 Paddle Toggle Effects, 4 Instant Jog Effects, 6 Pad Modes, 8 Hotcues (4+4) 8 Sample Cell Triggers (4+4), Sample Stop, Fader Cuts, Browser, Load, Deck Duplicate, Cue, Play, Sync, Jump to Beginning, Deck Master, Flux Reverse (TPro3), Tempo Bend, Tempo Adjust, Tempo Reset, Loop Set, Loop Active, Loop Size, Loop Roll, Move (if not in active loop), Loop Move (if in active loop), Instant Jog and Button Effcets, Snap, Quantize and more.
Numark.Mixtrack.Platinum.FX 3.1 TSI
Infographics JPG
Installation Guide PDF
NO REFUND! All mappings are properly tested and functional.