Allen & Heath Xone:K2 Internal 4-Deck Mixer

Final mapping Logo 1.jpg
Final mapping Logo 1.jpg

Allen & Heath Xone:K2 Internal 4-Deck Mixer



This mapping will turn your K2 controller into powerful internal 4-Deck Mixer, Browser and Deck transport controller. To push the mapping potential and allow all the necessary tools to mix effectively there are dedicated Shift 1 and Shift 2 buttons. The best portable 4 deck device for Traktor and it works with Traktor Pro 3 and Traktor Pro 4!

Encoders on the top are multifunctional and offer different features based on which Shift Button is pressed and held down. Normally those are controlling Looping if Shift is not pressed.

The rotaries bellow the encoders are 3-Bend EQ section. Since this knobs have no physical center detents I implemented the Detent LED feedback in each button under the knob control. The Detent is one of 4 different modes you can select for these buttons.


Full LED Feedback, 4-Mixer channels (3-Bend EQ with no Filter Knob), 4-Track Decks, Browser, Load + Close Browser, Play, Sync, Monitor Cue, Monitor Mix, Monitor Volume, Hotcue 1, Jump to Previous Hotcue, Jump to Next Hotcue, 4 LED Modes (Detent-VUmeterRed-VUmeterGreen-EqKill), Loop Set, Loop Size, Move, Loop Move, Master Clock BPM Adjust, Master Clock BPM 0.01 Adjust and more.


Track Decks ABCD TSI (Ch.10 - Latching Layers deactivated)

Track Decks CABD TSI (Ch.10 - Latching Layers deactivated)

Installation Guide PDF

Quick Guide JPG

Select and import the mapping file which matches your preferred Deck layout configuration.

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