Automatically shut down all effects on Traktor startup

The most of Instant Gratification effects mappings (aka Pad FX) will result in activated effects each time Traktor is started. This mapping tool will help you fix that behavior and you will never have to shut down those effects manually again. Included are installation guides for macOS and winPC.

Post Fader Pattern Player (concept)

In Post fader mode the Pattern Player volume is handled by Dry Wet knob and it is indipendent of Channel Volume and EQ's. This means that the signal from the Pattern Player won't be affected by any of the mixer controls which help keeping samples playing on top during transitions. This mapping concept automates the Dry Wet parameter each time the Channel Volume fader is closed down (0%) which result in fade out effect for the pattern Player. Included are installation guides for macOS and winPC.

Toggle the Loop while in the Flux Mode (concept)

Normally when the Flux Mode is activated, the Loop will be applied for the time that the Loop Set button is pressed down which is great for creating Loop Rolls. This computer keyboard mapping involves a modifier that turns basic “Hold” into the “Toggle” type of button. Press “S” key on your keyboard to toggle the function.